
In Docplanner we're using standard HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request.

In general: Codes in the 2xx range indicate success. Codes in the 4xx range indicate an error which has failed given the information provided (e.g., resource is no longer available, request doesn't contain all the required fields, etc.). Codes in the 5xx and codes in the 5xx range indicate a server-side error.

Monitoring Docplanner Status

You can monitor the status of our services by subscribing to our status page, available here (opens new window)

# HTTP Status Codes

Below, find the list of all the conventional HTTP status codes with line of coment:

Status Code Description
200 - Success Request has been successfully processed
201 - Success (created) New resource has been successfully created
204 - Success (No content) Request has been successfully processed
and returns no content
400 - Bad request Invalid syntax on a request
401 - Unauthorized Authorization has failed,
403 - Forbidden No access to a given resource
or conducting forbidden action
404 - Not found Resource has not been found (might be deleted)
405 - Method not allowed Attempted method is not supported by requested endpoint
409 - Conflict Request conflicts with current state of server i.e resource
is being duplicated
429 - Too many requests Rate limit has been exceeded. Find out more here /link/
500, 502, 503, 504 - Server error Docplanner server is not operative at the moment
(should happen very rarely)

Every response has specific Content-Type header:

Content-Type: application/vnd.error+docplanner+json

# Custom error messages

In the real-time booking flow we allow making the booking functionality dependent of the response to a synchronous call during the process (read more here (opens new window)).

In our interface the system might display custom error message informing patient about the reason of failure on response to error code from 4XX family and header Content-Type: application/json . Body of the response must contain specific error_code defined in a dictionary provided to Integrations Support (via email to

    "error_code": 1

The outcome of the error, would be a communicate displayed to the user during the booking process:

Remember, that in case of using that flow - the boking process won't be successful, therefore patient won't complete the process and the visit won't be booked in Docplanner.

Last Updated: 2/6/2025, 12:20:27 AM