Both sandbox and production enviroment use OAuth2 protocol. Find out how to obtain the token to authorize.
Remember to always keep the credential safe as they allow to access sensitive customer data.
Docplanner API is using OAuth2 protocol to handle autorization - if you want to learn more about it, click here (opens new window).
# Getting sandbox/production credentials
In order to obtain credentials to Docplanner API both for testing and production enviroments you need to follow steps explained in Integration Process (opens new window) section.
# Obtaining the token
In order to obtain bearer token you need to call our endpoint (list of local domains can be found here (opens new window)):
In order to get the token you need to specify proper grant_type
and scope
- in case of regular integraitons the values shoud be set as client_credentials
and integration
accordingly. See below autorization request example below:
curl -u {client_id}:{client_secret} https://www.{domain}/oauth/v2/token -d 'grant_type=client_credentials&scope=integration'
with an example response:
"access_token": "03807cb390319329bdf6c777d4dfae9c0d3b3c35",
"expires_in": 3600,
"token_type": "bearer",
"scope": null
Bearer token needs to be refreshed every 24 hours.
Keep your credentials secure!
Be sure to keep your API keys secure! Do not share your secret API keys or token in publicly accessible areas such as GitHub, client-side code.
All the requests needs to contain authorization token in headers. Operations without the token won't be accepted All the requests must be also made over HTTPS.
Authorization: Bearer {access_token}
Calls made over plain HTTP will be considered insecure and will be redirected to HTTPS path with redirect status code (3XX) in response.
Do I need to use different token for each request?
Absolutely not, tokens are valid for 24 hours since creation. You should use the same token for all the operations in that timespan.